I love books about food, so this one was on my list to read. Stanley Tucci does a good job as a storyteller, and I especially liked his reenactment of his exchange with his parents as they are leaving the house. Pretty good stuff. The recipes are a nice addition. The highlight of this book, however, was the descriptions of his battle with cancer. That’s when I felt the book really got down to it and wasn’t just trying to be entertaining. I have nothing against entertainment, but I also appreciate some connection with the characters in a book, in this case, the author. It also reminded me that I am getting old and out of it as he kept mentioning that he was name-dropping, but I had no idea who any of those people were (except Colin Firth). If you love Stanley Tucci (or are IN LOVE with Stanley Tucci – which many of my female friends claim to be) you will also love this book. It’s a good read any way you slice it.