This book is an addition to the Durango Street Theater series. I must admit that although the story was vivid and engaging, it dealt with profound trauma brought about by sexual violence and torture that I found difficult to get past. Having grown up with my father who had PTSD from his prison camp experiences during WWII, I can attest to how profound and long-lasting are the effects of torture and trauma are, even on the strongest of people. I suppose it was difficult for me to imagine the main character of this book being able to overcome the profound damage to her psyche enough to be able to tolerate the touch of a man, even one she was attracted to or in this case, begins to love.
Having said all that, I must admit that this book’s plot and characters have stuck with me more than other books I have read recently. The sheer drama of not only Sasha’s history but that of her love interest (he’s traumatized too) was memorable to say the least.
The book is well written and has the usual elements of a romance novel but be aware of the subject matter if reading about rape and torture is a negative for you. A good story, but not the usual fare.